Archive for the ‘suspend’ Category

Good news in linux-land

Samstag, Juni 7th, 2008

I have already mentioned earlier, that my new laptop and Fedora (back then in version 8) work quite flawlessly together. Things are always on a move, and since that other post, Fedora has been moving forward and it was released in version 9, codename Sulphur.

The change delivered several improvements. For me particularily useful are the new error-message-system of evolution (no annoying pop-ups anymore), Firefox 3 (still in beta/rc, though) and the better suspend/resume stuff. There is no more need for any quirks and the overall suspend/hibernate/resume-feeling is way better than it was ever before. In addition with another new Sulphur-feature, namely packageKit, it gave me an absolute astonishing, albeit small experience:

I usually only use the hibernate or suspend functionality and do not shut down the computer. This works without any problems – except when you install a new kernel and put the laptop to sleep afterwards. While rebooting, the latest kernel is chosen. The laptop tries to boot and sees, that there is a suspend-image which it tries to load. As the suspend image was created by the old kernel, the boot process might (and for me it did) fail. This messup may result in an undefined state and destroy data (well, again, that is what happened to me).

Say hello to PackageKit. After installing a new kernel, the suspend will fail. Although there is no notice of why it fails, it must be due to the new kernel. Small detail, but this little feature protects the user and its data because the inconsistency I described above can not happen (so easily)!

Linux on the desktop, way to go!

FC6 und Suspend-to-disk und Acer Travelmate 661

Dienstag, Dezember 12th, 2006

Ich habe es endlich (zugegeben, vorher nie intensiv probiert…) geschafft, suspend to disk auf meinem Acer Travelmate 661 LCi unter Fedora Core 6 zum Laufen zu kriegen. Im Nachhinein war es gaaaanz einfach…

  1. Füge

    name=Fedora Core $releasever – $basearch – ATrpms

    zur yum.conf bzw. als Datei in /etc/yum.repos.d hinzu

  2. installiere
    • hibernate-suspend2
    • kernel-suspend2-2.6.18-1.2849_1.fc6.cubbi_suspend2

    Die Kernelversion kann sich natürlich ändern, außerdem sollten alle zugehörigen Module installiert werden

  3. Ändert in der /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf die Zeile

    SuspendDevice swap:/dev/EuerSwapDevice

  4. Editiert die /etc/grub.conf:

    kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-1.2849_1.fc6.cubbi_suspend2 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/RootVol000 resume2=/dev/EuerSwapDevice quiet

  5. Fügt in /etc/hibernate/common.conf hinzu:

    OnResume 20 /usr/sbin/855resolution 4d 1400 1050

  6. Startet einmal neu und bootet den suspend-kernel

Diese „Anleitung“ ist kein HowTo und kein Handbuch, nur eine kurze schriftliche Niederlegung meiner Schritte, damit andere und auch ich etwas zum Nachlesen haben.

Mein Dank geht vor allem an diese Seite, mit deren Hilfe ich das 1400×1050-Auflösungs-Problem behoben habe.